Call me - Jevon: 083 389 5041

South-Africa (+027)

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My Areas Of Focus

What are your challenges today?
Life Coach

Personal Growth

The persuit of personal growth. This could be related to their self-esteem, confidence, happiness, relationships, health, or spirituality.

Life Coach

Confidence & Clarity

The FOUR most important aspects in any professional's life is to have; Confidence, Courage, Clarity & Freedom to make empowering life changing decisions.

Life Coach

Goals Setting and Achievement

These could be short-term or long-term, personal or professional, or a combination of both. I help clients define their goals, track their progress, celebrate wins and overcome obstacles.

Life Coach

Work-Life Balance

This is the ability to balance the demands and expectations of work with the needs and desires of personal life. I assist you in assessing your current situation, prioritize your tasks and responsibilities and help create a more harmonious and fulfilling lifestyle.

Life Coach

Stress & Trauma Support

Stressful environments can cause undesired Negative Beliefs and Emotions to pop up and sabotage us. Become aware, stay in control and keep your focus.

Life Coach


Minimalism offers a refreshing perspective into the way we live and think, emphasizing the power of simplicity, intentionality, and mindful consumption.

Life Coach

School Leavers Empowerment

Building confidence in one-self is key to achieving success in life. I encourage pupils to set achievable goals and daily intentions, instil a growth mindset and develop a true self-awareness.

Lets Chat

Make an Appointment

I offer a 30min complimentary coaching conversation. Let's chat, so that I can best understand your individual needs, goals and dreams.

Book an appointment with Jevon O'Donovan using Setmore

NEW Coaching Programs

Confidence, Courage & Clarity
December, 2023
Life In Motion

New Year's Resolution Focus-Setting Program 2024

Most new years resolutions & goals fail because of the lack of DESIRE Power, VISUALISATION and GRATITUDE. We will guide you on how to implement these aspects into your life. As a BONUS, we will also do a group session during which we will release your NEGATIVE Doubt, Guilt and Fear emotions.

Make an Appointment

October, 2023
Life In Motion

One Insight can change everything

Let's create a custom-coaching-program together, designed for you where we address your challenges and concerns.
We will challenge your thoughts, confront your comfort zone and invite you to see your full potential.

Make an Appointment

October, 2023
Life In Motion

Make your CURIOSITY bigger

Learners face many daily challenges that can easily become quite overwhelming. With the right mindset and positive belief system, these challenges can easily be overcome.
We assist learners create their own, unique, successful mindset which guides them living their lives with JOY, PASSION and EXCITEMENT.

Make an Appointment

October, 2023
Life In Motion

Monthly Coach-On-Call

In life, we all need to continuously work on building confidence and courage to propel us forward, so that we can improve ourselves, grow and create more self-awareness.
My Monthly-Coaching is flexible. I am there when you need a Thinking-Partner or even an Accountability-Partner in your Business.

Make an Appointment

Available Programs 2024

Year 2024
R TBC "New Year's Resolution Focus-Setting Program"
  • 1 day (9am - 5pm)
  • February 2024
  • Venue: FoxwoodHouse
  • Empowering Tools
  • Negative Emotion Release
Get Started
R TBC Monthly Coach On-Call
  • Month-To-Month
  • "How can I help you today?"
  • 2 x ZOOM coaching calls per week
  • 40 min / session
  • Insight Sessions
Get Started

What can my coaching do for you?

Awaken - Activate - Soar
Life Coach


• Coaching service - Corporate Execitives
• Coaching service - School & College Learners
• Guidance on how to actually implement Life Goals
• Substantially increasing an individual’s EQ
• Unshackling confidence, self-esteem & self-worth
• Eradicating anxiety, depression & demotivation
• Empowering techniques - Release negative Emotions
• Empowering techniques - Release negative Beliefs
• Resolving one's inner conflict
• You REALLY want to quit smoking? I can help..
• Silent Trauma Thechnique

Life Coach


Life Transformation Coach
Life Coach
Negative Emotional Therapy™ Practitioner
Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner
B.Sc.(Mathematical Sciences)

Lets Chat

Your First FREE Session

Book your first FREE ONLINE session with me now

Book an appointment with Jevon O'Donovan using Setmore

My Feedback Section


The Motivational Section

News & Stories
June 02, 2023
FaceBook Post

What does my Transformation Life Coaching entail?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and life coaching are powerful tools that can transform your life in remarkable ways.
NLP, with its focus on understanding the connection between our thoughts, language, and behaviours, allows us to unlock the potential of our minds and reshape our experiences. It enables us to break free from limiting beliefs, negative patterns, and self-sabotaging behaviours that hold us back from achieving our goals. NLP empowers us to rewire our thinking and cultivate positive habits that propel us towards success.
Life coaching, on the other hand, provides invaluable guidance and support on our personal and professional journeys.
By integrating the principles of NLP into life coaching, we can harness the power of our subconscious mind and reprogram it for success. We gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our values, and our desires, enabling us to steer our own lives consciously, effortlessly.
The role of the Coach
As your life coach, I will serve as your trusted ally, helping you gain clarity, set meaningful goals, and create a roadmap to achieve them. As your coach, I will hold you accountable, motivate you to stay focused, and provide the encouragement and structure needed to maximize your potential, tap into your strengths, and overcome obstacles with resilience.

June 02, 2023
FaceBook Post

Why be so critical and hard on yourself?

To be honest, sometimes I really don’t feel like making music. There are days than I am not inspired and I have no creativity. Does this mean I am failing? Am I losing my creative spirit? “As a professional musician OR passionate hobbyist, we can put SO much pressure on ourselves to constantly be producing, & to constantly be creatively.” as stated by Sarah Belle Reid
It is OK to have days where you just slow down, rest and simply do nothing. It has been proven that to quiet the mind and become a bit “bored”- you refresh and recharge your creative side by tapping into the creative field again. You will feel that creative spark again.
Coaching has also taught me to be kind to yourself. One can easily criticise yourself, downplaying your performance and telling yourself that “you are not up to standard, you are not good enough, you are a failure”. This self-talk will eventually create a belief in yourself that that you are truly useless and a failure.
Give yourself that permission to re-set. Tell yourself: “Today I allow myself to rest”. Go for a walk and go experience something different – different sounds and sights.
Be kind to yourself.

June 12, 2023
FaceBook Post

AWAKEN, ACTIVATE & SOAR.. This is my positive intention for each and every one of my clients.

There are MANY Blogs, Podcasts and other media channels that are exploring new ways to connect with ourselves and one another, and on how to elevate our consciousness and become AWAKE.
However - it is literally impossible to become that more conscious, awake human being if you are bogged down by your Negative Emotions and Beliefs all the time.
THIS is where Transformation Life Coaching is an amazing guidance tool in ridding you of those Limitations and get your mental energies flowing into what matters to you the most.
Contact me to find out just how this is done and how ridding you of all those Negative Emotions & Beliefs can benefit you tremendously in your life.
Why be average, if you CAN BE AMAZING!